Matt Hooley (11:04:32am)
Driver Matt Hooley
Class USVTA Pres. by Dumper's Speed Shop
Transponder 9241021
Session Time Date: November 3, 2024 (Sunday)
Start: 11:04:32am
End: 11:11:42am
Length of Session: 7:10
Num Laps 32
Fastest Lap 12.347
Top 3 Consec 37.423
Averages Avg: 13.436
Top 5: 12.445
Top 10: 12.555
Top 15: 12.651
Std Deviation: 1.102
Consistency: 91.800%
Valid Lap Range 0 to 59:59
(lap times outside of this range are maked as "invalid")
Lap Times
Lap 1: 12.656
Lap 2: 12.753
Lap 3: 13.478
Lap 4: 13.326
Lap 5: 17.162
Lap 6: 15.263
Lap 7: 13.955
Lap 8: 13.416
Lap 9: 12.455
Lap 10: 12.983
Lap 11: 13.366
Lap 12: 12.347
Lap 13: 12.599
Lap 14: 13.481
Lap 15: 13.902
Lap 16: 12.463
Lap 17: 12.49
Lap 18: 12.47
Lap 19: 12.98
Lap 20: 13.165
Lap 21: 12.748
Lap 22: 13.358
Lap 23: 15.273
Lap 24: 12.622
Lap 25: 15.033
Lap 26: 12.726
Lap 27: 14.41
Lap 28: 12.718
Lap 29: 12.756
Lap 30: 13.127
Lap 31: 15.47
Lap 32: 12.989
* indicates an invalid lap (not counted in stats)
Lap-by-Lap Graph
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